
Last break from the painting by Debbie Slowey Raguso

As the CHF article says, I balance production versus promotion, and this morning I plan to get back in front of St Joan painting and later do some blog posting. Seth Godin, a respected marketing person, blogs once a day. I have read a bit of Seth and bought some of his books on tape for my vacation travel times. I just found out he went to the same high school as me in the class below me. I remembered I liked him, so I tried to friend him on social media. What a dream that would be to have direction in the world of blogging marketing to have a star like him help me. 

Besides learning to blog, I am working on an "Artist statement," which seems to be always developing- ……I blend modernist and traditional art painting techniques into stories with animal and/or animals with people in a symbolic, imaginary world. The artworks' subjects are from current events of interest, science, and math happenings in the world. Though a meditative process on particular iconography, the spiritual is also present.