
Last break from the painting by Debbie Slowey Raguso

As the CHF article says, I balance production versus promotion, and this morning I plan to get back in front of St Joan painting and later do some blog posting. Seth Godin, a respected marketing person, blogs once a day. I have read a bit of Seth and bought some of his books on tape for my vacation travel times. I just found out he went to the same high school as me in the class below me. I remembered I liked him, so I tried to friend him on social media. What a dream that would be to have direction in the world of blogging marketing to have a star like him help me. 

Besides learning to blog, I am working on an "Artist statement," which seems to be always developing- ……I blend modernist and traditional art painting techniques into stories with animal and/or animals with people in a symbolic, imaginary world. The artworks' subjects are from current events of interest, science, and math happenings in the world. Though a meditative process on particular iconography, the spiritual is also present.

The Chestnut Justify is the 13th Horse to win the Triple Crown by Debbie Slowey Raguso

Justify's beauty running down the track at Belmont was made even more beautiful by the Jockey, Mike Smith. He gave testament to a faith of being everything we can be with gracious humility; giving credit to God.

Here is Justify with a crown of glory as a Unicorn. 

This is one of 7 original, signed, reduction lino block prints 8" x 10". 

lino Pegasusbest.jpg

Last art made 2017 and 1st art of 2018 "Opossum" by Debbie Slowey Raguso


This opossum attacked my chickens.  The Rooster stepped in but got battered. When I frantically tried to shoo it from the coop--                     opossum turned toward me!



Yes the poor creature would have killed the chickens and would have hurt me too; had to take it's life. I feel bad as I know all God's creatures have a golden side, a useful side. Opossums, as I researched, eat a multitude of Ticks. They keep the Lyme disease from the tick born virus away from us.